Thursday 8 November 2012

Dating A Woman Is A Lot Of Cents

Two do not ever live cheaper than one, as long as one of the two is a woman. If the new woman you have been dating has progressed to the point where she is spending frequent nights over, costs will start to escalate. Be very careful that they do not get out of control. Obviously you’ll be buying things like condoms and renting movies, and going out to eat. Those are expenses you know you’re going to have. Here are a few that you might not have considered:

1. Keep The Tissue Rolling

I am not sure why, but women seem to go through a mess of toilet paper. Guys seldom go through a roll a week. Women average a couple of days per. If a women lands in your digs on a regular basis, expect a three fold increase in toilet paper consumption. They use toilet paper for just about any thing you can imagine. Besides the usual stuff, it is also handy for removing makeup, cleaning powder off the vanity, removing nail polish, cleaning up spilled nail polish, the list goes on.

2. Water Filters

Women drink water like someone who hast just spent two weeks in the desert. Every diet magazine says that water is the secret elixir to losing weight, and all women know, understand, and worship at this alter of truth. That means that you are going to go through a lot more, very expensive, water filters. And if you do not use a water filter, you will by buying cases of water.

3. Moisturizers

Find out what kind of lotions that she uses and stock some in your bathroom. This is a fine touch that telegraphs "I love you" to her, and nothing melts a woman's heart than considerate actions. On top of this, you should also keep a large bottle of skin moisturizer on hand, preferably something that she uses as well. Besides the obvious benefit of her loving you for the gesture, the moisturizer cream can double as a massage oil. Gotta love that!

4. Boxes Of Chocolate

Maybe it’s just my girlfriend, but I find them on my weekly shopping list now.

5. Desert wines

Most guys have never bought a dessert wine in their lives, but when you’re dating a woman, expect to pick one of these little, expensive bottles of sugar juice whenever you have a dinner party. BTW - what kind of dessert wine goes with ice cream sandwiches?

6. Maxi Pads

Accept the fact that you will be buying these things on a regular basis. Get used to the initial embarrassment. Pretty soon it will feel as natural as picking up underarm deodorant. Besides, she will appreciate the consideration.

7. Candles

They aren’t expensive, but they are great at setting a romantic mood. If you’re lucky, you’ll go through these fast. Much better than getting frisky by the light of your oven.

8. Frozen Yoghurt 

Here is something that you will just have to become accustomed to when a women is around. It is called Probiotics Yoghurt. Probiotics is a friendly bacteria that is important to your overall health. Women eat it for other reasons. The main one is that hit helps tremendously if they are prone to yeast infections and/or bladder infections. Either way, most women eat it, and of course you will be expected to as well. So here is my secret on this little item. Find "Activia Probiotics 'Desert' Yoghurt" – it comes in several flavors. And do not mix it up with the regular "Activia Probiotics Yoghurt". That little item 'desert' in the label makes all the difference to me. The desert stuff does not in any way taste like yoghurt. In fact it almost tastes like pudding to me. In any event, buy this stuff. You will like it, and your girlfriend will reap the rewards as well. And if her female parts remain in good shape because of it, then you will get a lot warmer reaction to any advances that you make, and much more frequently.

9. Sex Toys

You will enjoy spending money at a sex store! Just make sure you budget plenty for it. These little items are not cheap! Do not chintz out though. Only buy the highest quality products – usually silicone. They are the most realistic and usually the most durable.

10. Extra Toothbrush and Slippers

Make her some space in your digs. If she is a frequent guest, then she will need some room for her essentials. With women, this includes not just toothbrush and toothpaste. Women use a ton of stuff to keep themselves looking beautiful and youthful. So she will need room for makeup, lotions, shaving stuff (for legs), bras, panties, some spare clothes, both dress and casual. The more time she spends at your house the more space that is necessary for her. If you are serious about it, consider it part of a gradual move in permanently process.

11. Internet Bandwidth

If your woman is anything like my woman, there will be a lot more cat videos being watched on your computer. That translates into bandwidth you have to buy. To be fair, some of the cat videos are kind of funny.

12. Doodads, Candles and Frilly Things

It seems that God created women with a frilly thing and trinket obsession. They have to fill up any space that they occupy with frilly stuff on the walls, and dust collecting trinkets on every open bit of table-top. Women are God's gift to merchants, and they spend most of their time living up to that image.

13. Special Occasions

It is not just the obvious stuff like birthdays, Valentine's Day or Christmas. It is also everything that they ever perceived to be a special turning point or event in your relationship. If you do not remember it, you will likely get the silent treatment for days and be completely oblivious as to why. So just remember, your computer is your friend. After your first date, put in an annual reminder, include notes in the event of what she was wearing, where you went and what you did. The same goes for every other memorable occasion. Give yourself a one-week warning so you can make reservations or buy a gift. Follow up with a two-day warning, and one-day warning and a 4-hour warning.

In summary, relationships with women is just like Halloween. Be prepared to Shell Out!!

If you do not have someone special in your life and are looking, you might want to check out this online dating link for sites you can join.

Online Dating

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