Thursday 19 July 2012

Anatomy of a First Date

Your first date is your first real opportunity to market yourself to a prospective partner. Because of that, it is a significant key moment in your life. A lot is riding on the line here. You are walking a tightrope between keeping the discussion animated and boring her with your exploits. The line between complimenting them or just being creepy. Or the line between being dazzling or being a dud. You need to let your inner self come out. Be relaxed, but also be careful. Never lose site that you are being judged. So with no further ado, here are some hard learned lessons that you might find helpful.

1. Lighten Your Libido

The movie “There’s Something About Mary” talked about it, and it’s true. Before you take your pre-date shower, masturbate. With a flaccid member, you are more likely to be your usual intelligent self, rather than constantly trying to shift the conversation over to discussions of getting her in bed. If you are too horny on a date, you will just end up stumble tongued and will likely just stare at her legs and breasts all night. A sure date ender for most women. No matter how hard you try, your mind will never really be on the conversation. As such you will come off sounding like a moron. No return date for you. Empty the chamber – trust me!

2. Never Screw The Name Up

I once made the mistake of getting a first date’s name wrong at the start of the evening, and it soured the whole night. To make sure you don’t make this blunder, write her name on your cell phone and check it throughout the night to remind yourself.

3. Don’t Talk With Your Mouth Full

If you are having an animated conversation, there is a distinct advantage to taking small bites. It means that you can get to the point of swallowing your food in seconds before you reply. Big bites do not allow for this. I was on a first date with a really nice girl once. The discussion was going well and I answered without thinking. I still had a wack of food in my mouth. We both watched as a piece of my dinner flew out of my mouth and landed on her plate. Embarrassing! Needless to say it was our last date!

4. Keep The Porn Under Wraps If You Plan To Bring Her Over

She will likely not be impressed on the first date finding out that you like to watch felatio porn movies. Keep this secret for now. Some women will say that they are okay with porn, and may even watch it with you, but do not believe it. Most women only tolerate it for the sake of what they feel is a perversion on the part of the man they love. If you have any hopes of bringing her back to your place, then clean up and stash the trash. Both the real garbage and porn. Do not forget to empty your DVD player. Firing it up to watch Must Love Dogs only to have your DVD player auto-load– Debbie Does Dead Dogs – would really suck.

5. Don’t Get Too Drunk

Alcohol of some sort is almost a given on a first date. It can really help some initial timidity on the part of both people. However, it can also make you look like a total jackass. Whatever you think you can normally drink and still be respectable, cut that total in half. Drink water between your alcoholic drinks. I once ate too little and drank too much on a first date. Before I could stop myself I was messy and pathetic. Don’t tempt fate – hydrate!

6. Don’t Talk About Your Ex

Talking about an ex in specifics is a mistake. No woman wants to hear a sob story about your ex-girlfriend. Your first date is the start of something new, so keep the past where it belongs. Keep conversation light and fun. Read a few magazines in the afternoon before your date so you have interesting things to talk about. If you do not keep her talking about stuff that she is interested in, you will never get a second chance at making that first impression.

Hopefully my dating foibles will help you avoid some of your own.

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