Friday 21 September 2012

Breakup Tips

Most relationships end. If they do not end entirely, they usually change from erotic love  (lovers) to fraternal love (just friends). In any event, telling someone that you do not want to be exclusive with them, or you are no longer interested in them sexually can be difficult. You see this idea played out in many movies.

But back to the point – sometimes you have to break up with a partner. It’s never fun, but there are things you can do to make it less awful. My advice: do it as soon as possible – that way you can get over it, and move on to trying to find the right person.

Good Break Up Tips

1. Do Not Do It In A Public Place

If it is difficult to do it at their place (which is the best place), then do it in some reasonably quiet place close to their place. The main reason is that they will likely be distraught afterwards and are in no condition to drive. Keeping it in a relatively quiet place will minimize embarrassment, both for them for being jilted, and for you if they make a scene.

2. Do it on Friday

This is best because it gives them time to get used to the idea before having to face the concentration that most jobs require. Relationships are one of the most disruptive things to productivity at work. Productivity goes down when you start a relationship. Productivity takes a tail spin when a relationship is ended. If they are border-line at their job for whatever reason, then the break up can lead to termination, thus adding to your guilt load.

3. Give Space and Time

Keep the break up itself to a few minutes. Have some solid answers to the question "Why?" Don't just stand there in a poor imitation of Hugh Grant, looking embarrassed. Make sure that you extricate yourself from the situation within a few minutes of telling them. Then stay away from any of their usual haunts for the next month or so.

Bad Break Up Don’ts

1. Do not break up in the kitchen. There are just too many handy sharp objects and hard missiles. A living room, or near an exit door is best.

2. Never break up on an island or mountaintop. You will likely be forced to take the ferry or ski lift back with them. If they want to make a scene, you have to jump off to get away. Then again, the rescue crew might have some hot new prospects…

3. Do not answer questions with an answer that can be debated. If you open yourself up to a dialogue you might end up giving it another try. It's a Trap! Run for you life!

And remember – there are plenty of fish in the sea!

Good luck!

For more advice articles, check out the following links:
Relationships Advice for Men

Relationships Advice for Women

If you have broken up recently and are looking for love, then check the following:
Top 10 Dating Sites

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