Thursday 8 November 2012

Dating A Woman Is A Lot Of Cents

Two do not ever live cheaper than one, as long as one of the two is a woman. If the new woman you have been dating has progressed to the point where she is spending frequent nights over, costs will start to escalate. Be very careful that they do not get out of control. Obviously you’ll be buying things like condoms and renting movies, and going out to eat. Those are expenses you know you’re going to have. Here are a few that you might not have considered:

1. Keep The Tissue Rolling

I am not sure why, but women seem to go through a mess of toilet paper. Guys seldom go through a roll a week. Women average a couple of days per. If a women lands in your digs on a regular basis, expect a three fold increase in toilet paper consumption. They use toilet paper for just about any thing you can imagine. Besides the usual stuff, it is also handy for removing makeup, cleaning powder off the vanity, removing nail polish, cleaning up spilled nail polish, the list goes on.

2. Water Filters

Women drink water like someone who hast just spent two weeks in the desert. Every diet magazine says that water is the secret elixir to losing weight, and all women know, understand, and worship at this alter of truth. That means that you are going to go through a lot more, very expensive, water filters. And if you do not use a water filter, you will by buying cases of water.

3. Moisturizers

Find out what kind of lotions that she uses and stock some in your bathroom. This is a fine touch that telegraphs "I love you" to her, and nothing melts a woman's heart than considerate actions. On top of this, you should also keep a large bottle of skin moisturizer on hand, preferably something that she uses as well. Besides the obvious benefit of her loving you for the gesture, the moisturizer cream can double as a massage oil. Gotta love that!

4. Boxes Of Chocolate

Maybe it’s just my girlfriend, but I find them on my weekly shopping list now.

5. Desert wines

Most guys have never bought a dessert wine in their lives, but when you’re dating a woman, expect to pick one of these little, expensive bottles of sugar juice whenever you have a dinner party. BTW - what kind of dessert wine goes with ice cream sandwiches?

6. Maxi Pads

Accept the fact that you will be buying these things on a regular basis. Get used to the initial embarrassment. Pretty soon it will feel as natural as picking up underarm deodorant. Besides, she will appreciate the consideration.

7. Candles

They aren’t expensive, but they are great at setting a romantic mood. If you’re lucky, you’ll go through these fast. Much better than getting frisky by the light of your oven.

8. Frozen Yoghurt 

Here is something that you will just have to become accustomed to when a women is around. It is called Probiotics Yoghurt. Probiotics is a friendly bacteria that is important to your overall health. Women eat it for other reasons. The main one is that hit helps tremendously if they are prone to yeast infections and/or bladder infections. Either way, most women eat it, and of course you will be expected to as well. So here is my secret on this little item. Find "Activia Probiotics 'Desert' Yoghurt" – it comes in several flavors. And do not mix it up with the regular "Activia Probiotics Yoghurt". That little item 'desert' in the label makes all the difference to me. The desert stuff does not in any way taste like yoghurt. In fact it almost tastes like pudding to me. In any event, buy this stuff. You will like it, and your girlfriend will reap the rewards as well. And if her female parts remain in good shape because of it, then you will get a lot warmer reaction to any advances that you make, and much more frequently.

9. Sex Toys

You will enjoy spending money at a sex store! Just make sure you budget plenty for it. These little items are not cheap! Do not chintz out though. Only buy the highest quality products – usually silicone. They are the most realistic and usually the most durable.

10. Extra Toothbrush and Slippers

Make her some space in your digs. If she is a frequent guest, then she will need some room for her essentials. With women, this includes not just toothbrush and toothpaste. Women use a ton of stuff to keep themselves looking beautiful and youthful. So she will need room for makeup, lotions, shaving stuff (for legs), bras, panties, some spare clothes, both dress and casual. The more time she spends at your house the more space that is necessary for her. If you are serious about it, consider it part of a gradual move in permanently process.

11. Internet Bandwidth

If your woman is anything like my woman, there will be a lot more cat videos being watched on your computer. That translates into bandwidth you have to buy. To be fair, some of the cat videos are kind of funny.

12. Doodads, Candles and Frilly Things

It seems that God created women with a frilly thing and trinket obsession. They have to fill up any space that they occupy with frilly stuff on the walls, and dust collecting trinkets on every open bit of table-top. Women are God's gift to merchants, and they spend most of their time living up to that image.

13. Special Occasions

It is not just the obvious stuff like birthdays, Valentine's Day or Christmas. It is also everything that they ever perceived to be a special turning point or event in your relationship. If you do not remember it, you will likely get the silent treatment for days and be completely oblivious as to why. So just remember, your computer is your friend. After your first date, put in an annual reminder, include notes in the event of what she was wearing, where you went and what you did. The same goes for every other memorable occasion. Give yourself a one-week warning so you can make reservations or buy a gift. Follow up with a two-day warning, and one-day warning and a 4-hour warning.

In summary, relationships with women is just like Halloween. Be prepared to Shell Out!!

If you do not have someone special in your life and are looking, you might want to check out this online dating link for sites you can join.

Online Dating

Saturday 20 October 2012

Chatting Online

My stepbrother has had nothing but bad luck, one day as children he climbed a big maple tree in the front yard and “you guessed it” he got stuck up there. As the fire department arrived a crowd began to gather in front of the house to see the moron  that got stuck in the tree, they used a large ladder which one of the fireman climbed to grab hold of him and bring him safely to the ground. As I stood there scratching my head I thought ”why would anyone want to embarrass them self like that”, but knowing this guy it wasn’t hard to understand why. One day after summer school we decided to go swimming at the local park, it was the favorite place for all the kids to swim and as usual trouble followed, he decided to show off his diving board skills against my protests and as he hit the water his bathing suit floated away, again people gathered around.

Things didn't seem to get any better for him when he started high school, he got the hots for some girl but she didn't know he existed.One day in class she told him if he wanted to loss his virginity he should meet her in the school that evening and to get ready for a hot time. I tried to tell him that it was a sick joke, but he wouldn't listen. Unknown to him she rounded up most of the school to wait in the gym, she then told him to undress down to his shorts and meet her in the gym which he did. As he hurried in to the gym the lights came on and there he was standing in front of half the school in his underwear, there’s another gathering.

Both of us started college together and I was hoping things were going to start looking up for him, but this was not to be. He really didn't have much of a social life so if someone asked him follow them he would jump at the chance to meet some girls and hopefully make  some new friends, but more times than not they were only interested in making him look like an idiot. One evening a few students invited him to go skinny dipping with them at the beach. I warned him against going but he was floating on air and wouldn't listen to me. They pushed him to be the first one in and as he got into the water, they all piled into their cars, stole his clothing and sped off into the night air abandoning him there wet and naked. As he hurried down the road clutching his manhood he was spotted by several motorists who then called the police, he was told he could be charged with exposing him self in public but when he explained to them what happened they felt sorry for him and called me to come down with some clothes and take him home. I really felt sad for him and it made me mad to see people treating him like that. He was, and still is, a great guy who wouldn't hurt a fly.

While my girlfriend and I were visiting him one evening she suggested that he try an online chat service, she explained that he doesn’t even have to leave his house and since he will be chatting online there’s nothing to be nervous about. She told him that he can get to know the woman by chatting with her and then later on maybe exchange photos, and if she is looking forward to meeting him just run with it. I told him you're a great guy and you have much everything to offer a women and it hurts me to see you by yourself. I want you to be happy so please try it for me.

After contacting several of the wrong sites he finally discovered what he was looking for. He found a link that lead him to some of the best sites and the perfect woman. He has never regretted it and I can see in her eyes that she really loves him too. That was a year ago and they couldn't be happier.

So take it from me some chat services know there stuff. You just have to find the right one. So if you're having trouble meeting someone and need a little help then try the link below.

Friday 21 September 2012

Breakup Tips

Most relationships end. If they do not end entirely, they usually change from erotic love  (lovers) to fraternal love (just friends). In any event, telling someone that you do not want to be exclusive with them, or you are no longer interested in them sexually can be difficult. You see this idea played out in many movies.

But back to the point – sometimes you have to break up with a partner. It’s never fun, but there are things you can do to make it less awful. My advice: do it as soon as possible – that way you can get over it, and move on to trying to find the right person.

Good Break Up Tips

1. Do Not Do It In A Public Place

If it is difficult to do it at their place (which is the best place), then do it in some reasonably quiet place close to their place. The main reason is that they will likely be distraught afterwards and are in no condition to drive. Keeping it in a relatively quiet place will minimize embarrassment, both for them for being jilted, and for you if they make a scene.

2. Do it on Friday

This is best because it gives them time to get used to the idea before having to face the concentration that most jobs require. Relationships are one of the most disruptive things to productivity at work. Productivity goes down when you start a relationship. Productivity takes a tail spin when a relationship is ended. If they are border-line at their job for whatever reason, then the break up can lead to termination, thus adding to your guilt load.

3. Give Space and Time

Keep the break up itself to a few minutes. Have some solid answers to the question "Why?" Don't just stand there in a poor imitation of Hugh Grant, looking embarrassed. Make sure that you extricate yourself from the situation within a few minutes of telling them. Then stay away from any of their usual haunts for the next month or so.

Bad Break Up Don’ts

1. Do not break up in the kitchen. There are just too many handy sharp objects and hard missiles. A living room, or near an exit door is best.

2. Never break up on an island or mountaintop. You will likely be forced to take the ferry or ski lift back with them. If they want to make a scene, you have to jump off to get away. Then again, the rescue crew might have some hot new prospects…

3. Do not answer questions with an answer that can be debated. If you open yourself up to a dialogue you might end up giving it another try. It's a Trap! Run for you life!

And remember – there are plenty of fish in the sea!

Good luck!

For more advice articles, check out the following links:
Relationships Advice for Men

Relationships Advice for Women

If you have broken up recently and are looking for love, then check the following:
Top 10 Dating Sites

Friday 7 September 2012

Home Cooked Dinner – Recipe For Success

Inviting a woman over for a dinner date for the first time is a tough hurdle in any relationship. Obviously there are advantages to having her over to your place for a quiet night together, but if dinner doesn’t go well, it could spoil the entire evening. Without being overly specific, these simple tips should help you get through that event.

If you’re really worried or inexperienced at making dinner for someone, the best thing for you to do is subtly ask her what her favorite cuisine is during a date, and order that from a reputable establishment. It might lack the “home-cooked” element that girls like, but it’s not a deal breaker. However, if you do feel like you’re a good cook, here are some dos and don’ts:

Things That You Should Do

Wine. A good wine. It loosens you and her up, and sets a romantic mood. Don’t cheap out, but don’t go crazy with cost. Pick something that compliments the food. Drink some water too – getting too drunk is a definite turn-off.

For appetizers, consider raw oysters (be careful here because many women cannot stomach raw – ask first) – they aren’t aphrodisiacs, but have long been thought to be so because of the incredible nutritional value they have.

For a main course, serve a dish that you can keep warm in the oven just in case she’s late. If you make a quiche and she gets stuck in traffic, it’ll be ruined. But if it a nice roast or lasagna, you can keep it on low and serve it when she shows.

Before undertaking the first cooking date, make sure you have any food allergies down cold. The life threatening ones are worry some, but the annoying little sensitivities can prove to be an intimacy killer as well. Keep an over the counter anti-histamine around for emergencies. Benedryl is one of the better known. Ask your pharmacist for another appropriate alternative to have on hand as well if benedryl is a problem.

Plan your portions around the type of food you are serving. Make sure that neither of you get overly sated with food. Eating too much will make you lethargic and unlikely to be able to be intimate after the meal.

Candles are great to scatter around your digs, as well as on the table for dinner. Nora Jones, or Diana Krall are both among my favorite choices for intimacy music. Better to have a cd of romantic themes available up your sleeve than to have the latest rap, hip-hop or techno music.

Things Not To Do

If you are trying to impress her, then cook it several times and eat it yourself before the big date. You do not want any slip-ups on the big night. It can spoil the evening.

If you are cooking with curry, garlic or onions, keep it light and make sure you have some after dinner mints around. But it is just better to stay away from both of those nasty, nice breath unfriendly ingredients.

You do not have to impress her with fancy china, but on the other hand paper plates are a no-no. For a set of inexpensive matching dinnerware and silverware, Wal-Mart is your friend.

Do not over spice, and stay away from gassy foods like cucumbers. For a similar reason, serving soda pop or beer should be avoided. Burping is just not romantic.


You never want to load her down with so much food that if things do get sexy, she’s too full of food to really give it much effort. Serve something light like a sherbet, or a fruit cup.

Keep some whipped topping in the fridge in case the evening is an unqualified success.

Good luck and bon appetite!

To see more, check out this link:
Advice For Men

Saturday 11 August 2012

MILF's And Cougars Are Almost The Same In The Eyes Of Their Admirers

Young men are increasingly gravitating to older women when dating. Popular shows like Sex In the City, Weeds and Desperate Housewife's are opening up the eyes of the younger generation males to the delights of dating an older woman. Cougars are happy with this new outcome, because it gives them a much larger pool of young virile dudes to select from. You just gotta love that!

Of course this bed of roses (or is that Rose's) has a few thorns as well. Lets take a look at the advantages and disadvantages

First, the pros (not  prostitutes). Older women are more experienced. The main experience that most men are interested in is sexual. However, you will find that these women are just a lot more fun to be around. You can actually have an intelligent conversation with them (as opposed to most women in their early 20's). But for most men, the sexual angle will be the strongest. Women in their 30's and 40's are more interesting to be around, and they are a lot more adventurous in the bedroom. They know what they want, and want what they like!

Secondly, most cougars have an income of their own and usually know how to live inside of it. Most young women are saddled with debt, and as such, them men have to treat them to everything. MILF's may be a bit strained financially, but most of them have learned to budget and look after their money. They might not shower you with it, but they are also unlikely to be a burden.

Lastly, the best thing about dating an older woman is that she will be mature (in theory). A lot of men dislike dating young women because they can be flighty, immature, moody, and given to drama. Older women have been through all that crud, and usually have a much more laid-back look at life and dating. This can be a welcome change after dating high-maintenance young women.

However, there are cons to dating older women that must also be factored in. An older woman usually has a less firm and toned body than a young lady. Gravity works hard to sag both men and women as they grow older, and this can definitely hurt some key erogenous zones on a MILF. However, finding a cougar who is into nutrition and yoga and hitting they gym is getting easier these days. In fact, organic groceries, yoga studios, and gyms are great places to meet MILFs.

Second, a MILF can be more bossy and/or controlling than a young woman. She may slide into a “motherly” role with a young man, and expect to have a lot of the control in their relationship. This can be dealt with by having open and honest communication, though, and is easily remedied.

All in all, in most cases, I feel like age is just a number. As long as the participants are legal, it doesn’t matter what the age is, provided the goal is an honest, caring relationship.

YE HA! Go git em!

Thursday 19 July 2012

Anatomy of a First Date

Your first date is your first real opportunity to market yourself to a prospective partner. Because of that, it is a significant key moment in your life. A lot is riding on the line here. You are walking a tightrope between keeping the discussion animated and boring her with your exploits. The line between complimenting them or just being creepy. Or the line between being dazzling or being a dud. You need to let your inner self come out. Be relaxed, but also be careful. Never lose site that you are being judged. So with no further ado, here are some hard learned lessons that you might find helpful.

1. Lighten Your Libido

The movie “There’s Something About Mary” talked about it, and it’s true. Before you take your pre-date shower, masturbate. With a flaccid member, you are more likely to be your usual intelligent self, rather than constantly trying to shift the conversation over to discussions of getting her in bed. If you are too horny on a date, you will just end up stumble tongued and will likely just stare at her legs and breasts all night. A sure date ender for most women. No matter how hard you try, your mind will never really be on the conversation. As such you will come off sounding like a moron. No return date for you. Empty the chamber – trust me!

2. Never Screw The Name Up

I once made the mistake of getting a first date’s name wrong at the start of the evening, and it soured the whole night. To make sure you don’t make this blunder, write her name on your cell phone and check it throughout the night to remind yourself.

3. Don’t Talk With Your Mouth Full

If you are having an animated conversation, there is a distinct advantage to taking small bites. It means that you can get to the point of swallowing your food in seconds before you reply. Big bites do not allow for this. I was on a first date with a really nice girl once. The discussion was going well and I answered without thinking. I still had a wack of food in my mouth. We both watched as a piece of my dinner flew out of my mouth and landed on her plate. Embarrassing! Needless to say it was our last date!

4. Keep The Porn Under Wraps If You Plan To Bring Her Over

She will likely not be impressed on the first date finding out that you like to watch felatio porn movies. Keep this secret for now. Some women will say that they are okay with porn, and may even watch it with you, but do not believe it. Most women only tolerate it for the sake of what they feel is a perversion on the part of the man they love. If you have any hopes of bringing her back to your place, then clean up and stash the trash. Both the real garbage and porn. Do not forget to empty your DVD player. Firing it up to watch Must Love Dogs only to have your DVD player auto-load– Debbie Does Dead Dogs – would really suck.

5. Don’t Get Too Drunk

Alcohol of some sort is almost a given on a first date. It can really help some initial timidity on the part of both people. However, it can also make you look like a total jackass. Whatever you think you can normally drink and still be respectable, cut that total in half. Drink water between your alcoholic drinks. I once ate too little and drank too much on a first date. Before I could stop myself I was messy and pathetic. Don’t tempt fate – hydrate!

6. Don’t Talk About Your Ex

Talking about an ex in specifics is a mistake. No woman wants to hear a sob story about your ex-girlfriend. Your first date is the start of something new, so keep the past where it belongs. Keep conversation light and fun. Read a few magazines in the afternoon before your date so you have interesting things to talk about. If you do not keep her talking about stuff that she is interested in, you will never get a second chance at making that first impression.

Hopefully my dating foibles will help you avoid some of your own.

For more insights, try this link:

Friday 22 June 2012

Married Swingers

Do you ever wonder why couples are into the swinging lifestyle? It is often because they are free spirits who, although totally in love with each other, just do not believe that exclusiveness adds anything to a relationship. In fact most swingers feel that monogamous relationships are detrimental to long term satisfaction because it can breed dissatisfaction. Swingers are so comfortable in their relationship with their partners that they show their love by not holding their partner back from new sexual experiences. This is basically what swinging is all about, having sexual liaisons rather than romantic encounters with other couples or even individuals. The core relationship for swingers is what gives their lives stability. It is almost a friends with benefits situation, but the core relationship is based on romance. If anything their relationship with other people falls into the friends with benefits category.

Swinging is a personal choice for many partners who often view sex with anybody other than their wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other as a physically stimulating pastime. Some people however get into swinging for the wrong reasons. It could be that their partner is into swinging and they want make them happy by getting into it themselves.  Perhaps their relationship is failing and the excitement has all but vanished; so they adopt swinging hoping to rekindle the fire and passion of their relationship. Getting into swinging for these reason's is not the route you want to take because it usually just leads to a breakup. Successful swinging requires a loving, and not possessive relationship between both partners in the relationship.

Just to hammer the point home, swingers must have a very close and loving relationship to succeed with a swinging lifestyle. Mutual understanding and a strong foundation are vital factors in being a swinger. It is imperative that both partners fully understand why each other wants to be a swinger. One of the main success factors for swinging is a relationship based on strong communication and being open with each other about your feelings. When both partners totally understand where each is coming from, they will realize that swinging can be a very adventurous way of life and that it makes you feel alive. Swinging can appeal to your sexual and recreational needs, including fantasies and desires that you can explore together rather than apart. Swinging is very much about sharing the experience with each other which in turn will strengthen your sexual and emotional growth.

Just remember that it takes two to tango well.
Swinging is, and continues to be, increasingly popular for married and dating couples as well as all religions. Swinging started in the early 50s in the rich suburbs of the United States. At that time swinging was not a common thing and the only way back then to meet other swingers would either be through news paper ads or through other swingers.

Social views have changed drastically through the years and especially since the launch of the Internet. At this time, besides local swinger clubs, you are now able to go online and find dozens of swingers sites to meet new friends. These sites offer you the chance to communicate with and meet other couples like yourselves who are interested in getting together for a fun time. So if you are a swinger or think you are emotionally ready to get into a swinging lifestyle, here is the site for you:
